
onyx / nyx / nixie / nisha
july 4 - louisiana - humanist - butch twink - demiomni
demipanalterous - omniaesthetic - ambiamorous - infj-t
6w5 - versandrogyne voidflux - he/she/they/it

luciferian hearth witch: with a lot of focus on manifestation & divination magick. western zodiac: cancer sun decan 2, pisces moon, sagittarius ascendant. celtic zodiac: wren and oak. eastern zodiac: earth rabbit/cat. native american zodiac: woodpecker. egyptian zodiac: anubis.

animals, zoology, exotic pets, falconry, archery, houseplants, homemaking + housekeeping, candles, incense, learning russian, history of orca captivity, drugs + drug education, tattoos, piercings, photography, drawing, painting, video games, ambient soundscapes, music (esp. phonk & witch house), cars, weapons, collecting crystals + tarot/oracle cards, plenty of other things

kyuquot - nord* - fat beans - tekoa - malia - lynn - ran II - sonya - kalia - ula* - kayla* - kyara* - kasatka* - hugo* - moana*